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Teosto’s members receive EUR 13.7 million in Septembers’s distribution


Teosto will pay a total of EUR 13.7 million to music authors and publishers on 19 September 2019. Of the total, EUR 5.6 million will be paid to Teosto’s Finnish customers.

*FThe distribution includes royalties from the following categories and dates as planned (click the picture to enlarge it):

Royalties to Teosto members by category of rights  

Category of rights Performance area Performance period Royalty distribution (M€) 09/2019
Radio & TV Yle TV & Yle Areena Q1/2019 1,41
Commerical TV Q1/2019 1,28
Yle Elävä arkisto 2018 0,13
Yle radio Q1/2019 1,15
Commercial radio Q1/2019 0,85
Equalisation distribution, television 2018 (2017) 1,82
Equalisation distribution, radio 2018 0,20
Retransmitting cable
and satellite channels 
2018 0,03
Public performance Background music (distrubuted based on radio broadcast) Q1/2019 1,34
Equalisation distribution, background music, radio 2018 0,34
Internet Commercial VoD 2018 1,75
Online streaming (NMP*) Collected by 31.3.2019 0,84
Reproduction Mechanical reproduction royalties (NCB) 2016 – 2018 0,76
Multiple Compensation for private copying 2018 0,91
Distributions from abroad Paid by 30.6.2019  0,65
Rectifying royalty distribution: missing work notifications, resolved disputes Accumulated/resolved by 31.3.2019 0,19


**The invoicing and processing of the international online music services licensed by Teosto are carried out by Network of Music Partners A/S, or NMP. NMP is a joint venture owned by Pan-Nordic Nordisk Copyright Bureau NCB and the English collection society PRS for Music. 

About September’s distribution


The distribution for September 2019 includes Netflix, Viaplay and HBO royalties for 2018.  Corresponding Elisa Viihde royalties are scheduled to be paid in the December 2019 distribution.


The YLE Elävä arkisto category distributions that were moved from the June distribution will be paid in the September 2019 distribution. The total amount of the distribution that was moved is EUR 130,000.


Equalisation distributions of the quarterly distribution categories (radio, television and background music played in radios) concerning 2018 will be paid in the September 2019 distribution. A negative equalisation distribution concerning YLE TV1 in the television category and Radio X3M in the radio category will be carried out for the first time. This means the excess distributions paid in 2018 will be deducted from the 2019 payments.

For TV5 and Kutonen categories, a total of approximately EUR 213,000 will be paid as an additional distribution for 2017.

Mechanical reproduction royalties (NCB)

The September distribution exceptionally also includes mechanical reproduction royalties. They consist of royalties from 2016–2018 paid by GEMA that were previously withheld by the taxation authorities.


The distribution data will be available for our members in the online service approximately 10 – 7 days before the actual payment date. Please note that at this point, the service includes preliminary distribution figures that can be changed before the payment date. The figures do not contain NMP’s Online or NCB’s Offline royalties. The royalties from these categories are available only in the final payment information.

The minimum sum paid in the distribution is EUR 25. If the distribution comes to less than this, no payout will be made until subsequent distributions bring the total up to EUR 25. The royalties will then be paid at the next distribution.

Teosto distributions to VAT-registered publishers are subject to VAT.

Categories of use for music in the September’s distribution

Distribution category Performance area Notes
Yle’s national radio channels  Yle Radio 1, Yle Radio Suomi, YleX, Radio Extrem, Radio Vega, Yle Yöradio, Ylen Klassinen, Yle Puhe Includes royalties for Internet radio. 
Local Yle radio stations  Local Yle radio stations (broadcasts in Finnish, Swedish and Sámi) Includes royalties for Internet radio. 
Commercial radio stations Each separately: Radio Nova, City-radios (Bauer), Radio Rock, Radio Aalto, Radio Dei, SuomiPOP, NRJ Energy, Iskelmä (Bauer) + partners KissFM, Radio Pori, NRJ Nostalgia, Loop, Helmiradio, Hitmix, SuomiRock, small commercial stations  Includes royalties for Internet radio. 
Tv channels Yle TV1, Yle TV2, Yle Teema & Fem, MTV3, MTV3 Ava, MTV3 Juniori, MTV3 Max, Sub, Nelonen, Jim, Liv, 4Prime, TV5, TV7, Kutonen, Fox, Hero, Frii, TV Finland, TLC, National Geographic This group includes royalties for pay-TV channels and online TV.
Network personal video recorder services Yle TV1, Yle TV2, Yle Teema & Fem, MTV3, Ava, Sub, Nelonen, Jim, Liv, TV5,  Kutonen, Fox, Hero, Frii, TLC, National Geographic Operators pay royalties for Network personal video recorder services for the TV programme recordings made by them.
Yle online services  Yle Areena Performing rights royalties paid by Yle for the use of music in online services. 
Commercial VoD-services Netflix, Viaplay, HBO Performing rights royalties paid by commercial operators for the use of music in online services
Compensation for private copying  Audio, recordings
Video, television
Audio, radio
Compensation to authors for the copies made of their works for private use, financed from a specific annual appropriation included in the state budget.
Background music, radio Radio reports used to calculate background music distribution (see table below)


• Restaurants, mechanically reproduced background music
• Customer premises
• Beauty and health care services
• Taxis
• Restaurants, mechanically reproduced dance music and karaoke
• Accommodation facilities
• Jukeboxes
• Personnel music
• Buses, coaches and trains

Did you find something in the distribution statement that should be corrected? Make a claim in the online service

If you find any errors or omissions in your royalty distribution statement, please report them to us through the Complaints section in the online service by 31 October 2019. We will process any distribution-related messages in the order of arrival as soon as possible.

Please note that we have added a new section to our online service where you can find information on unidentified works that have been performed in Finland. You will find the list from the side bar of the Works section of the online service under the heading “Unidentified works”. If you find any of your works in the list, it means that the rightholder information for that work is not complete. In this case, please follow the instructions found in the online service and contact Teosto.

Please remember to send a work notification as soon as a work is completed

Remember that we can only pay royalties for works for which we have received a work notification on time. Please always file the work notification as soon as possible in connection with completing the work. This ensures that the work is in our database and we are able to target the announced performances and the work’s distributions as early as possible. This also reduces the need to rectify distribution and process complaints.

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