Voting members
Teosto is a non-profit organisation in which the voting members make decisions on our operations. Teosto voting members decide on policies and appoint a Board of Directors. Decisions are made in General Meetings that are held twice per year.

As a voting member, you can attend our General Meetings and participate in the decision-making processes. You can influence how we take care of the copyrights belonging to music authors.

We have around 900 voting members who are all professionals in the creative industry. In our General Meetings you will meet other music authors, publishers and other industry influencers.

Villa Vikan, located in Raseborg, offers workspaces for voting members of Teosto. On the peninsula surrounded by the lake there is a charming main building and two log cabins near the beach. Voting members of Teosto can apply for Villa Vikan for rent twice a year. Read more about the villa on Finnish Music Creator’s Association’s website.

The instrument bank of Musiikinedistämissäätiö offers a fantastic selection of valuable instruments for professional use. As a voting member, you can book instruments for studio recording sessions or composing purposes with discounted prices. Read more about the instrument bank on Musiikinedistämissäätiö’s website.
Who is eligible to apply for voting membership?

You can apply as a composer, arranger, lyricist or author if you
- are a member of Teosto
- have received at least EUR 3,000 in royalties from Teosto during at most six distribution (calendar year) periods immediately preceding the year of application.
Heirs cannot apply for voting membership of Teosto.

You can apply as a music publisher if you
- are a member of Teosto
- have received at least EUR 7,500 in royalties from Teosto during at most six distribution periods (caledar year) preceding the year before the applying for voting membership.
PLEASE NOTE! Furthermore, on the basis of the publishing agreement, the music publisher must represent at least four music authors, each of whom has received royalties from Teosto amounting to a minimum of EUR 300 during at most three distribution periods preceding the year of application. Each music author must have registered with Teosto at least five works published by the applicant.

Registered professional associations representing music authors and publishers may apply for voting membership in Teosto may apply if
- their main purpose is to promote the copyright of musical compositions
- the members consist of music authors or music publishers
- the members include at least 50 music authors and or 15 music publishers who are not part of any other member association of Teosto
Associations applying for membership are kindly requested to contact our customer service.
Information on our voting membership
If you are considering submitting an application for voting membership, contact Teosto’s customer service first in order to find out if you are eligible.
Teosto’s Board will decide on voting membership admission during the course of the current year. Decisions on voting membership are taken on the basis of the eligibility requirements stated above. Voting membership enters into force once the Board of Directors has approved the Membership application.
All parties that have submitted an application will be contacted as soon as the board has reviewed their applications for voting membership. Joining Teosto as a voting member is free of charge.
The Board may reject a voting membership application if
- the applicant does not meet the current requirements set for voting membership as stipulated by Teosto’s regulations and the general meeting
- the applicant has, in the capacity of being Teosto’s member, neglected to fulfil essential obligations to which the applicant has committed itself in the membership agreement, or
- the applicant has, through its action, damaged or sought to damage the association or the interests concerning the copyright or other interests of the rightholders that the association represents.
The Teosto General Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the association. At the General Meeting, the members decide on the policies of Teosto and appoint the Board of Directors. Members can also raise issues related to the activities of the association. Each member has one vote at the meeting.
General meetings are held twice a year, usually in April and December.
At the spring meeting, the following matters are discussed, among others:
- Presentation of the Board of Directors’ report and financial statements and the decision to approve the financial statements.
- Decisions on the appropriation of the surplus or deficit for the financial year.
- Election of the Chair and other members of the Board of Directors to replace those who resign.
At the autumn meeting, the Board approves the operating plan and the budget for the following calendar year.
A voting member may bring a matter before the Spring Meeting by notifying the Board by the end of February in a letter signed by at least five voting members.
The Board of Directors appointed by the General Meeting
- represents Teosto
- leads activities to promote music in our networks
- is responsible for our property and finances
- is responsible for naming a CEO
The board includes the CEO and five elected members: one member from each group of music authors (popular and contemporary music authors), one member representing all authors, and two members representing music publishers.
You can find more information on the operations of our association and statutes here.
Ask about voting membership!

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