Member Organisations
We also offer professional services in partnership with other organisations.
We cooperate with various players in the music industry. On this page, you will find information about our key partners and the services they offer.
Teosto member organisations
Our member organisations are the Finnish Music Creators’ Association, the Society of Finnish Composers and the Finnish Music Publishers Association. Together we provide support and advocacy for music authors, composers and publishers.

Established in 1945, the Society of Finnish Composers is the oldest of Teosto’s member organisations. Its membership consists of about 220 art music composers. The society represents Finnish art music and oversees the artistic, professional and financial interests of composers.
The Society of Finnish Composers supports Finnish contemporary music festivals and concerts produced by independent groups. The society acts as a point of contact for its members, offering them advice services regarding agreements, taxation and social security, among other things. The society publishes a members’ magazine called Kompositio. The society’s Board of Directors approves new members based on applications.

The Finnish Music Creators’ Association is the largest of Teosto’s member organisations in terms of membership and promotes the rights of creators across music genres. Its membership consists of more than a thousand lyricists, composers and arrangers.
The association’s vision is to ensure that creating music is financially productive and socially respected profession based on a functional copyright system.
The Finnish Music Creators’ Association offers advice services, promotes its members’ interests in politics, organises mentoring services and distributes grants and awards. The members’ magazineof the Finnish Music Creators’ Association is called Musiikintekijä.

The members of the Finnish Music Publishers Association, also known as MPA Finland, are businesses and associations operating in the music publishing industry. Established in 1976, the association has about 40 members.
The Finnish Music Publishers Association aims to secure and promote its members’ prerequisites for profitable business operations. The work includes promoting the members’ interests and developing the industry. More generally, the association aims to improve awareness of and appreciation of music publishing. The association also offers its members practical support, such as publishing agreement templates, guidelines on good practices and statistical data.
The association also supervises the use of published works. The association provides instructions and information on publishing and distributing lyrics and sheet music.
Other music industry operators
The Finnish Music Foundation
The Finnish Music Foundation (MES) promotes the diversity of Finnish music by supporting its authors, producers and publishers. Teosto finances the activities of the Finnish Music Foundation through the Teosto Fund.
The foundation awards grants and otherwise promotes and financially supports live music events, music production, music marketing and export, publishing and education related to Finnish music.
Teosto members can also rent valuable instruments from the MES instrument bank.
Music Finland
Music Finland looks after the prerequisites for internationalisation and the competitiveness of Finnish music by, for example, developing financing and creating new services tailored to clients’ needs. Teosto finances Music Finland’s operations through the Teosto Fund.
Music Finland offers a wide range of services, from internationalisation guides to workshops in Finland, export and showcase events and internationalisation financing.
Gramex is a copyright society for artists performing on recordings and for the producers of recordings. Gramex represents musicians, singers, conductors and music producers, among others.
Gramex collects royalties and grants legally required licences for music use. Gramex royalties are the pay for the work carried out by musicians and producers.
The Finnish Musicians’ Union
The Finnish Musicians’ Union is a trade union for musicians. The Finnish Musicians’ Union has 25 collective agreements in different areas of music production and offers personal advice and consulting services to its members on contractual, tax, copyright and social security matters. The union also offers legal aid to its members. In addition, field and workplace-specific union representatives are available to the members.
IFPI Finland
IFPI Finland is a non-profit organisation, whose membership currently consists of 21 record companies operating in Finland.
IFPI Finland’s goal is to ensure that the music industry can thrive in Finland, improve the position of recording production in cultural policy, develop the operating conditions for music production and distribution and participate in administration and monitoring of the rights of music producers.
LiveFIN is a national association and interest group for music events and their organisers. Its membership consists of venues, festivals and event organisers. The association promotes the interests of music events and organisers, develops the industry and champions common causes, giving live music operators a voice.
Music Managers Forum Finland
Music Managers Forum Finland (MMF Finland) is an organisation and forum for managers in Finland, whose main purpose is to share and convey information about everything related to the industry. The organisation represents around 50 management businesses.
The aims of MMF Finland are to represent managers in the music industry and with other stakeholders, develop managers’ skills and expertise, promote issues related to managerial activities in society, offer networking opportunities and represent Finnish managers and their artists internationally.
The Association of Finnish Booking Agencies and Agents
The Association of Finnish Booking Agencies and Agents (SOA) is an association of booking agencies and agents operating in Finland, with a membership of more than 50 companies from all over Finland.
The association’s task is to act in a way that improves the operating conditions for the entire industry. The association influences matters through cooperation with other organisations, research, statements and networking.
SOA also seeks to ensure that its members comply with the applicable laws and practices, but SOA does not control its members.
The Copyright Information and Anti-Piracy Centre
The Copyright Information and Anti-Piracy Centre (CIAPC) is a registered non-profit association that represents a wide range of players in the creative industries. CIAPC’s mission is to support the monitoring of the copyrights of the rightholders represented by its member organisations. It does this by actively intervening in piracy, both by means of prevention and by enforcing the Copyright Act.
In addition, CIAPC’s aim is to increase general awareness of copyright by implementing systematic and objective communications and by providing copyright training and advice.