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Services for music publishers

Your business should become a Teosto member if publishing music is part of your regular activity. We will handle financial rights related to the use of your work, on your behalf.

We sell music usage and performance rights.

We sell licenses for the public performance and recording of your music, on behalf of your business.

We produce and research market information.

We collect information on the use of your work and conduct current research on the use of music.

We pay copyright royalties to publishers.

You will receive royalties when your music has been performed publicly or recorded on audio or video.

Become a publisher member

Order a membership agreement from our customer service and we’ll post it to the (email) address of your choice. The agreement will take effect once you’ve sent us the signed agreement and paid the membership fee.

The membership fee for publishers is 300€ + vat. There are no other charges as a Teosto member. The member agreement is valid until terminated by either party.

The membership agreement applies to every composition and arrangement published by your business, and to related lyrics and translations.

When becoming a Teosto member, order also an online service agreement so we can sell licenses to use your work and collect performance and recording royalties for your business. We’ll send login details for our online service by email to the contact person for your business.

Contact us

Our services are accessible online

Through our online service, you can:
  • register publishing agreements and related work agreements.
  • browse works in the database.
  • examine the sums and dates of payments.
  • browse payment lists.
  • check the accuracy of your own contact details.
Additional information
Royalty payments
Distribution dates
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