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Recordings and AV productions

Film Reproduction Royalty
  • Gives you the right to make digital and physical copies of the film
  • For screening domestic films intended for cinema distribution
  • The licence is to be obtained by the film’s production company before the premiere
  • Must be obtained for domestic films and joint productions if a Finnish co-producer is responsible for the reproduction royalty
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Annual Synchronisation Licence
  • Gives you the right to incorporate music in moving images in several different productions
  • Covers only synchronisation, not public performance, transmission to the audience or production of copies for sale
  • Suitable for the production of both streamed and physical AV reproductions
  • Fixed annual price based on the annual number of hours of music, paid for with a single invoice
  • The licence can be obtained either by a party creating the AV production or by the production customer
  • Music information is reported to Teosto separately for each production
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Production-specific Synchronisation Licence
  • Gives you the right to incorporate music in moving images in a single AV production (videos)
  • Covers only synchronisation, not public performance or transmission to the audience
  • Suitable for the production of both streamed and physical AV reproductions
  • Production-specific lump-sum fee, the price is specified on the basis of the minutes of music
  • Music information of the production is reported to Teosto
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