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Report live performances

If you play your own music or covers in your sets, you should submit performance reports.

Are you a DJ or an artist? Do you play in a band or in an orchestra? If you perform songs created by others, you should submit performance notifications on your live performances. Moreover, every time you play your own songs live, you’re earning money.

As a music author and a member of Teosto you are entitled to performance royalties when your music is played live. Report your own works and the cover songs you have performed, in the performance notification.

Finnish event organisers report ticket revenue and numbers of visitors to Teosto, but they do not always report the set list of the performers at an event. This is the information that you, as a performer, are in the best position to report to us.

Performance Reports tell us when, where and what you’ve performed so that we can accurately pay you live performance royalties.

Many composers and lyricists do not perform their works themselves, meaning their royalties are dependent on the performance information reported by performing artists.

However, as a performer you do not have to pay Teosto anything; instead, the event organiser will be responsible for the performing rights royalties.


List your own works and the cover songs you have performed, in the performance notification. Performance notification indicate:

  • Performance date.
  • Names of the performance venue and event organiser.
  • Name of the performer.
  • Performed works and durations.
  • Authors of these works.

Domestic performers can conveniently report both domestic and international concerts by using Teosto web services. 

Foreign performers playing in Finland can submit performance notifications using Music Report – Set List form.


You can submit performance notifications via the online service after your performances. However, you must submit them according to the schedule given below:

Performance notification
submitted to Teosto
1.1. – 30.4.
1.4. – 31.8.
1.7. – 31.10.
1.10. – 31.1.
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