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Call for Tenders – Teosto’s Future Songwriting Project


Teosto calls for tenders regarding supply of music education services to be provided as part of a Creative Europe Culture Sub-programme -project called “Future Songwriting” led by Teosto.

With the help of EU funding, the Future Songwriting -project will introduce, pilot and validate the so called “INTO music” education concept in Finnish, German and French schools and on a smaller scale in Hungary. The INTO-concept is a music curriculum using digital tools and software and an innovative pedagogical approach. Teosto is looking for a supplier that can provide planning services for the project, train school teachers in the INTO-concept, and provide continuous support and mentoring in relation to the INTO-concept in Finland, France, Germany and Hungary as further described in the attached call for tenders and its appendices.

We expect the supplier to have extensive experience in composing, writing lyrics, producing and performing music, and a proven track record of successfully working in the fields of education and teaching, especially in applying digital technology to teaching, and working with art education projects for children and young people. Fluent command of both Finnish and English is mandatory.

Any offer should be provided by e-mail to by 29 October 2018. Based on the written offers, Teosto may choose one or more suppliers to continue discussions with.

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Call for tenders regarding supply of music education services (pdf) 
Appendix 1: Future Songwriting Project Activities 
Appendix 2: 
Personal Data Processing 
Appendix 3: 
Non-Disclosure Undertaking

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