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EUR 1.1 million distributed to Teosto members


The September distribution has been paid to Teosto members on 15 September 2015. The September distribution includes foreign performing right royalties. The largest foreign payers are Gema in Germany, Stim in Sweden, PRS in the United Kingdom, Koda in Denmark and Siae in Italy. Royalties from these associations make up about 87% of all foreign performing right royalties paid in September. 

The September distribution also includes performing right royalties from Pori Jazz in 2013–2014 that were not included in the summer 2015 distribution as well as royalties for the retransmission of cable and satellite channels to Finnish sub-publishers from 2014.

Distribution to Teosto members in September 2015

Performing right royalties from Finland  
Live performances 9,427
Television 62,715
Performing right royalties from abroad  
Discotheques 18,430
Download – musical works 9,570
Rental and lending 10
Mech. music 1,326
Other royalties 131,309
Radio 99,220
Live performances 278,709
Cinema 1,973
Television 95,060
TOTAL 707,749

The NBC distribution will also be paid in September, including mainly online royalties from the period between 1 April and 30 June 2015. The total amount of the NCB distribution is EUR 371,967.

Members who receive distribution can access details on their personal distribution in our online service. The next distribution to Teosto members will be paid in December 2015.


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