Strong growth in music royalties from abroad

International royalties collected by Teosto increased significantly in 2024. Royalties from foreign copyright collecting societies to Finnish music creators were more than a quarter higher compared to the previous year. This growth is attributed not only to the rising popularity of Finnish music globally, but also to Teosto’s focus on international operations.
In 2024, Finnish music creators and publishers received a total of €5.6 million in royalties from abroad. These royalties are collected through Teosto’s reciprocal agreements that cover over 100 countries worldwide.
Finnish music gaining popularity worldwide
The most significant sources of growth were Germany, where particularly royalties from classical music increased substantially, and the US music market, which saw an increase of nearly a third. Finnish creators have been involved in teams for US star artists, and especially revenues from streaming platforms have notably increased. Royalties from Sweden also grew by a third.
In addition to the US, Asia is also a growth market. For example, new music featuring Finnish writers has succeeded in Japan. In audiovisual music, royalties grew particularly in France, where Finnish films and their music have been prominently featured.
“All the key markets for Finnish music have grown. In addition to traditional music use, online royalties from music streaming services have also increased significantly. We have a wide network of partners worldwide and we are collaborating closely to ensure the efficient distribution of royalties,” says Helmi Yli-Äyhö, International Manager at Teosto.
Teosto’s focus on international operations visible in the distributions
The growth is also driven by Teosto’s own improved operations. Teosto has increased the advice given to members related to, for example, different foreign music markets. Additionally, more focus has been placed on the quality of data that is essential for royalty collections, enabling faster distribution.
Identification and monitoring have been developed, particularly for AV works, where the royalty processes have previously faced many challenges. Teosto has strengthened its collaboration with other collecting societies and actively met with internationally operating music creators and publishers. Member events and communications related to international royalties have contributed to improving documentation and data.
“An increasing number of music creators and publishers are operating internationally, and our goal is to be the best possible copyright collecting partner for them. Our task is to give guidance and advice to our members and to ensure that all necessary data is in place so that we can efficiently distribute the royalties they are entitled to,” says Maiju Ristilä, International Member Manager.
New services for music creators working in international markets
Ristilä explains that international operations are strongly on Teosto’s agenda for 2025 as well. For instance, at the beginning of the year a new expedited distribution of international royalties was launched, and the small commission previously charged on international royalties was removed.
“We have succeeded in developing our operations and improving the trust of creators and publishers in our international capabilities. Our development work continues this year and it is strongly guided by the needs of our members.”
Teosto’s overall collections, annual report, financial statements, and transparency report for 2024 will be published on 22 May, 2025.
Photo: Helmi Yli-Äyhö (right) and Maiju Ristilä, responsible for Teosto’s international affairs, at the Eurosonic Festival in the Netherlands in January 2025.