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Teosto to become carbon neutral


Environmental values are important to Teosto, and our goal is to become a carbon neutral organisation. We have calculated the carbon footprint of our activities and compensated for the 215 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions produced by our activities annually.

Teosto has had the WWF Green Office Certification for nearly 10 years. Most of the emissions produced by our office are caused by transport, and remote work has become an established part of our work methods in the past few years. Approximately 2/3 of our international communication and negotiations are now done over the phone or via video calls. Teosto’s members have also been interested in environmental issues, and the topic has been discussed in a meeting of the association.

In the future, Teosto aims to further reduce the environmental impact of its activities by making internal work methods and transport practices more environmentally friendly and, as far as possible, by switching to zero energy heating in its facilities. We are also looking into ways to direct investment into lower-carbon options.

The emissions caused by Teosto’s activities will be compensated for through the UN.

Teosto will compensate for its emissions by participating in the UN’s Gold Standard biogas project in rural Thailand, approximately 250 km north of Bangkok. Supporting biogas production has an effect on the quality of air and water, employment and the region’s energy self-sufficiency. It also helps reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Evolution of emissions monitored regularly 

We compensate for the emissions caused by our activities by using reliable actors, such as the UN’s Gold Standard project. We monitor the evolution of our greenhouse emissions annually and inform our members about the evolution of Teosto’s carbon burden and how we compensate for it.

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