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Discrimination in the music industry still prevalent – discrimination based on ethnicity, age or gender is especially common
Discrimination and inappropriate treatment are still prevalent in the Finnish music industry. For example, up to 61% of individuals belonging to ethnic…
Teosto distributes EUR 12.5 million to music authors and publishers
Today, on 21 March 2024, Teosto has distributed a total of EUR 12.5 million in royalties to composers, lyricists, arrangers, and music publishers. Of this…
New ISNI Identifier creates better opportunities for international author identification
A recently completed report  examines the benefits of the ISNI identifier and its potential to copyright management organisations (CMO). This unique…
Seven works of music nominated for the 2024 Teosto Prize
The nominees for the 2024 Teosto Prize were selected from Finnish works of music published or premiered in 2023. The Teosto Prize, which was first awarded in…
Survey to Collect Information about Equality and Discrimination in the Finnish Music Industry
Teosto is releasing a survey aimed at individuals working in the music industry, with the objective of assessing the state of equality and discrimination…
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