Guidance offers advice on how to tackle harassment and inappropriate behaviour

Finnish music industry has created guidelines to tackle harassment, discrimination and other inappropriate behaviour at local level. The goal of the guidelines is to clarify how harassment and improper behaviour can be addressed and prevented.
The guidelines have been prepared jointly by the Union of Musicians, Suomen Musiikintekijät, Music Finland, SOA – Finnish program offices and agents, Finnish Symphony Orchestras, LiveFIN, Teosto, Gramex, Music Publishers, Music Producers – IFPI Finland, Finnish Composers and Finnish National Opera and Ballet.
Guidlines are a tool that provides clear instructions for creating a safe space and models of good behavior – the industry has zero tolerance for any kind of harassment, discrimination and inappropriate treatment. Guidance applies to everyone, irrespective of their role or contractual status, i.e. whether they are in full-time employment, working as a freelancer, on a recording or publishing contract or an audience member.
You can find the guidance at:
The website contains instructions, actions and useful links, as well as ideas on how to act if you see or experience harassment, discrimination or inappropriate behaviour in our industry. With the help of the instructions, you can also think about your own actions – if you yourself have been guilty of harassment, discrimination or inappropriate behaviour, the instructions offer support for resolving issues and learning from it.