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Experiencing copyright related problems on Youtube?


In the past two weeks some Youtube users have contacted us because of having experienced incorrect copyright claims in Youtube while trying to utilize some certain music in their video, or error notifications while trying to watch a video containing some music.

These notifications prevent the video from playing and inform that the video contains rights claimed by e.g. TEOSTO_CS, KODA, TONO, Muyap, BMG_Rights_Management, SACEM, Sony ATV Publishing or UMPI, although the rights might be owned by others. Alternatively, the video is prevented from playing “for copyright reasons” (even if the rights are correctly identified and the prevention is due to any other reason).

According to the feedback we have received, some of the error notifications appear on embedded videos played by mobile devices.

We thank all of you for bringing this to our attention.

For the sake of clarity, Teosto ry (TEOSTO_CS) does not prevent the mobile usage of these videos and does not claim any rights outside its repertoire. The errors are most likely originated in Youtube’s content ID system which has identified some material incorrectly.

At the moment Youtube & Teosto, among other rightsholders are working intensively together to solve the problems preventing the full use of Youtube service.

What if I experience an incorrect copyright claim on my video?

Youtube service is managed by Youtube, therefore Teosto unfortunately cannot release incorrect claims case by case basis. In case of incorrect copyright claims, we suggest that you do a counter-claim (dispute) for the incorrectly claimed material. This allows Youtube to clear the material for its rightful owners.

Contact Youtube:

More information:

Teosto’s Q&A (only in Finnish):

Youtube’s Q&A:

If you see a problem not matching the description above, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Twitter: @Teosto_ry

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